Building Self-confidence

Building Self-confidence

For the last week, to help my oldest son  build self-confidence, we started doing what we call a PRIDE BOOK. Every night, he has to write in his journal a good thing that he’s done. It can be anything from helping clean up the kitchen to sharing his toy with a neighbor to helping his younger brother with his homework….I noticed already a change of attitude. I find that he feels better about himself.  We’ve also noticed that his mood in general has improved.

I think it’s an exercise we should all do. It forces you to come back on your day…looking at the positive aspects. In a way,  It reminds me of the gratitude journal Oprah talked about several years ago….to find, daily , one thing that we are grateful for.

In a month or two, my son will read his journal entries and feel good about himself. It should allow him to better react to criticism from us, his parents, or his teachers and friends.

What did you do today that you are proud of?